1- Treat Tag: Real Faith (Graphic 1) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. Glue a treasures on the X. 2- Handout: Puzzled (Graphic 2) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. Glue a puzzle piece on the X. 3-Treat Tag: Repentance (Graphic 3) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. Tie to a small piece of soap. 4-Lesson Idea: Steps to repentance (Graphics 4-5) Print the five footprints. Use them to help emphasize the steps of repentance. 5- Object Lesson: Swords of repentance (Graphic 6) Print swords. Make Dirt mounds from brown paper. For lesson--Tell the story of the Anti-Lehi-Nephies from Alma 24. Talk about how they wanted to bury their swords so that they could not be tempted to fight. When we repent we must stay far away from the temptation to sin again. Have children come up and take the swords of sins that we need to bury. Ask them to bury them in your mound of dirt. Tell them that if we truly repent we want to stay away from the temptation so that we can feel Heavenly Father’s love. 6- Handout: Swords of Repentance (Graphic 7) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. Tie a sword to the tag. (These are the little sandwich picks that you can buy in grocery stores.) Challenge the children to go home and bury their swords. They should decide something that they want to repent of and how they will stay away from that temptation before they bury their sword. 7-Treat Tag: Tender Hearted (Graphic 8) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. Glue a wrapped jelly heart on the X. 8- Activity: Forgiveness envelope (Graphic 9) Print one page per child. Let children cut the picture and glue it to the envelope. Have them cut the hearts and put them in their envelope. Whenever they are mad at someone they can take a heart from their envelope and give it to the person who has hurt them, and they won’t need to be mad at them anymore. 9- Singing Time/ Lesson Idea: Scattered Seeds (Graphics 10-14) Print the pieces for the poster. Color and cut all the pieces. Put the poster together according to directions. Make sure the flowers are behind the dirt mounds when you begin the lesson. Ask the children if their family has ever grown a garden. Ask them what you put in the ground that grows into plants. Ask them if they know that they are like a seed. Jesus compared us to seeds in one of His parables. You can relate the parable if you would like. Will seeds grow if you leave them in the package? Sprinkle the seeds on the floor. What do we need to do with our seeds? Alma likened faith to a seed. He said if we plant our faith it will grow. Put up your garden poster. Heavenly Father wants each of His children to grow. He has a plan for you to be planted in a family garden. How do we plant our faith? I need some helpers to come help me plant seeds in our family garden. Let children take turns picking up a seed and gluing it on the poster. Have them tell one way they can plant their faith when they glue the seed on the poster. When all of the seeds have been glued on the board ask the children what Alma said would happen if we planted our seeds of faith. Sing the song “I Pray in Faith” (CS 14) and while the children are singing, move the flowers up until you can see them peeking above the dirt. Ask the children if the plants can grow in the dark. Just as the plants can’t grow in the dark, neither can we. Our Heavenly Father has given us prayer so that we can stay out of the darkness and remain close to Him. Like the sun for our plants, prayer is our nourishment from Heaven. Sing “I Pray in Faith” (CS 14) and while they are singing make your flowers grow a little bit. After the song, ask the children if they have ever had to help weed the garden. If we don’t get rid of the weeds, they will choke out our plants and the plants won’t grow and they could even die. If we don’t get rid of our sins, they will be like weeds, and they will stop us from growing. They could even kill our testimony. We might think that we could do what ever we want because it is our life. But if the whole garden is weeded but one row, it not only looks bad, but the roots of those weeds can still choke out the other plants. It hurts our family when we sin. We must repent and keep our family garden weed free. Sing a song that can apply to repentance. There is one other thing that is necessary for our plants to grow. Ask them if they know what it is. Water. Our plants need water to grow. We are going to liken the water to forgiveness. In the Book of Mormon the Lord often punished the people who were wicked with a drought. He would not let it rain for many months until the people would begin to humble themselves and repent of their sins. After they had repented, the Lord would give them rain. Our Heavenly Father loves us and He will forgive us when we repent. He will send us rain. He will shower us with His love and forgive us. We also need to forgive others. If your brother or sister does something mean to you, can you forgive them? If they tell you they are sorry, can you tell them that it is okay and that you still love them? Sing “When I Am Baptized” (CS 103) and while the children are singing, make the flowers grow to their full height. After the song show the children how well the seeds grew in our family garden. Remind the children that Faith, Prayer, Repentance and Forgiveness can help each their testimonies grow and will strengthen their own families.